Friday, October 25, 2013


I think I need to pick up a new sport or hobby.
Go out, find something that takes up my time and enrich myself.

After all, I don't live for anyone else. And we all only live once.
The harder you try to live for someone and love someone, you will only end up hurt.

So the best person to love is yourself.
I guess after the haircut and the overnight crying, a lot really came to me.

Why force you to give me assurance and spend time together with me when your heart is somewhere else?Why do I even bother texting so much when that's not what you wants? Why am I the only person bothered about not spending one night sleeping apart? Am I the only one who misses?

Then I realised. I cannot depend on someone, anyone, to make me happy. Whatever makes me happy, may not make everyone happy. Happiness, is really my choice. Sadly, I'm happier without revolving my life around you. When I stop caring, stop being concerned, stop missing, stop thinking about you, I realised that hey, I'm actually really enjoying what I'm doing.

Text someone else to make me happy, read a book to wind down and relax, meet up friends to hang out. These are things that are supposed to feel good, but when I do these things when I built my happiness and sheer purpose here around you and it doesn't reciprocate, it doesn't.

You shall get back the girl you liked in the first place.
And I'd like to say, the game that we played before we were together, is still true in a different context in a relationship.

Whoever love more, loses.

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